Saturday, August 22, 2009

Video Entry #1

Well guys, I hope you can hear me =) And I'm also slightly concerned... this video is taking forever to upload here at my house, where we have really fast internet... that means it's probably going to take EVEN LONGER when I have slow Uganda internet. There might not be as many videos as I was hoping for if they take this long to do, but I'll do my best.


  1. HOLLY! You look so scared in the picture at the top of your page. I can't believe you are in Africa already. I hope your family is all that you expected. Remember to take pictures pictures and more pictures! I miss you. Im moved into Pepperdine now. My room is pretty sweet. It has got to have the best view on campus.
    Hope you and Dean are safe and having a great time.
    Love you a ton!

  2. OMG holly I miss you soo sooooo much ): this video made me cry. i feel terrible for not seeing you before you left. i hope everything works out for you over there! stay safe! i made one of these account thingies to follow you. not in a stalker way lol but yeah...well i wish you the best!
