Sunday, August 16, 2009

No faith in me =)

For the longest time this trip has seemed so far in the distance that it was just something I was going to do, not something I would actually be doing. But now tomorrow I take my first malaria pill, which means I'm just a week away from leaving, which is exciting but scary at the same time. I've never even been out of the country before, it's hard to imagine that in eight days I will be in Africa. It's crazy how fast this summer has gone too, I feel like i barely did any of the things I wanted to. But I guess when I really think about it I did some pretty cool stuff like buying a car! I have finally decided what I am going to do for my host family though, with some help from Nicole =) I'm going to make a picture frame that comes with a scripture verse on it. Something that reminds me of this trip, but I was slightly insulted. As I was just looking through my Bible right now for a verse for the frame, all the verses I came across were about eating joyfully whatever you are served, like:
"Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising question."
" If some unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience."
and even more!! I was like 'wow God, so little faith in me. I was planning on eating everything I was served, I might not have asked for seconds, but I would have eaten in politely'. I guess the extra reminder didn't really hurt, but I did find it very ironic that those would be the random sections I looked through. God is so funny like that =)
There is one quote that I'm kind of leaning towards though, if I don't use it for the gift I will definitely have it written down somewhere in my things. It's not a Bible verse, but a quote from a book I read a while back.

"Security is not found in the absence of danger, but in the presence of Jesus."

I just really like that one. But I still have some time so I'll keep looking.
On another note, it's just amazing how I keep thinking I have everything I need for this trip and then all of a sudden realize I forgot to buy socks. And then I realize I don't have sunblock, or Tylenol. I don't think I'll ever have everything. Speaking of that, I just realized I need to buy a slip. It just never ends. I am very impressed though by how well everything is fitting into my suitcase so far. I might not be saying that on the final packing day, but so far, so good. I also have to thank my mother and sister for letting me steal some of their clothes, knowing that there is a good chance they might not ever come back.

I think for my next entry I will test out my video feature, so I don't get there and realize I have no idea how to work it. Well, I better go, I got distracted in my search for a verse by all the food stuff, and I think I should get back to it now.

Mweraba! (that means farewell in Luganda)

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